Friday, September 30, 2011

A Days Reflection

My first pregnancy- 9 months
Motherhood has been the toughest thing I have ever done. From my pregnancy to childrearing it is never ending work, stress and loveliness!

Second prenancy- 8 months
I love my children and they are my life's work, but anyone who may think children will fix their life or make people stay are delusional (sorry if that is harsh!) There is no faster way to ruin or change a relationship or make people run away faster.

My daughters at on Christmas Eve. Isabelle 2, Roslyn 2 weeks
I am very lucky to have a secure relationship and an amazing, loving family to surround me and help me when the days get tough.

Members of my amazing family, members missing!
Families are very important, no matter how big or small or who you consider your family to be they are the most important people in your life and you need to foster and cherish those people you call your family. 
No matter the arguments, disagreements, or different views, these people should be there for you and love you unconditionally.
I wake up some days, with one child wanting to be held, one child wanting to be fed non stop, my house in disarray, laundry unfolded and dirty, coffee not drunk and I wonder how I got here and I how I am going to make it another day. I am sure the nut-house is coming to get me, but then I see this little girl

and this one

and I know it will get better, I just have to push through the moments I want to run from the house screaming and I will get to the moments that make it all worth while. 
Are you a mom? How do you make it through? Do you share my sentiment?

1 comment:

  1. It's a bit of a blur!
    But those were the best days of my children were 21 months apart and both were in diapers which I washed and hung to dry...
    I watched one soap every afternoon while I folded laundry and it was "my time".
    The rest of the time I was on duty...sometimes up at night with little sleep.
    I tried to go grocery shopping alone after my husband came home and had a quiet hour while he played with the kids.
    I never had trouble sleeping back then!

    I see that saying everywhere theses days "Keep calm and carry on"
