Friday, April 11, 2014


Ugh, I have been sick....
Usually when I am sick I can work through it, if I stay home I can get up and move around and do the absolute minimum to keep my household going.
Not this time.
Two days in bed, barely moving and not eating.
Dishes piling up.
On day two I decided to google what I thought I had and when my symptoms matched up, I summoned all the energy I could and drove to the clinic and had my suspicions confirmed. I have strep throat!
I am on antibiotics, on the mend and back at work.
I hate being so sick I cant do anything.
On the positive my husband made dinner two nights in a row, a miracle!
Happy to be feeling better for the weekend ahead.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Accuracy of Scales

Sunday is supposed to be my weigh in day but after 3 weeks of frustrating weigh ins I decided to do some comparison weigh ins.
My current scale is a dial scale and every time I look at it the dial is offset on the zero marker. so I started to lose faith in its accuracy.

My mother was nice enough to lend me her digital scale and I hopped on it today to see if it was a scale issue.

Guess what?! I think it is. This scale had me down four pounds from Sunday! It is next to impossible for me to have lost four pounds in 48 hours but I do believe this means my dial scale has been lying to me. Sending me into a tizzy for nothing.

let it be.
Source: Pinterest

I plan to continue to do what I was planning to do already this week and see how things look on Sunday.

My goals this week are:

  • Drink more water
  • Be active between work out days
  • Plan my work meals before work

It's a 10 in my books

I am always looking for a new to me product that might change my life. I kept hearing about It's a 10 Miracle Leave-In Product from different vlogs and blogs and really didn't give it too much thought as I was under the impression it was for heat treated hair, which I do not have.

I was recently in my local target with Nat, from iheartthisblog, when she informed me of the miracle nature of this product. I was sceptical at first glance, mostly due to the price, but when I returned to Target next, it found its way into my basket.
It was not cheap so I had high hopes it was worth the money. 
One reason I love the beauty blog community is that others test out the products for you and share their opinions, making it easier for you to try the products yourself since you already have an idea what is like.
Anyway, I brought it home and tried it out. Like I expected I was not disappointed. It smelled nice, it de-tangled my hair and kept it that way until I showered next. My hair was also very soft and shiny, always added bonuses! 
I made a promise that this would be my leave in conditioner and I would leave the girls with what we already had. 
Then my daughter came home from swimming without showering or combing her hair! This is disastrous as she has very thick hair that is difficult to deal with on a good day. I decided to sparingly share Its a 10 with her and I was fully won over. It made brushing her hair a breeze and made her hair gorgeous once dried.

I really do not want to use it on her hair but because it made it so easy to deal with I am not sure I will be able to hold myself back from using it again on her hair.
I really recommend the It's a 10 Miracle Product if you are in search for the best leave in product and de-tangler. It is simply amazing.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Garden help

Worked in the garden this weekend. Its slow going as it is still early days and not much is showing its face.
I had my little helper getting involved she likes to help wherever she can.
I still have lots of seeds to plant and I have to determine where I am going to plant everything.
Here's hoping we have more nice weather coming our way!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Weigh in Day

Another Sunday morning brings another weigh in. I have neither loss nor gained so I guess I can't complain but I am left unsatisfied.

I ate breakfast all week, I thought about what I was eating and I worked out. 

Thoughts for next week is to move more between work outs, track every morsel as I am eating it and really watch my proportions at dinner time.

Any words of wisdom? 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Miracle Product

Always on the search for some new miracle product, I was lucky to hear about an amazing top coat that dried instantly.

I first heard about this product on YouTube but I couldn't recall what video I had seen it in or what the product was called.

I was talking to my lovely friend, Nat, from iheartthisblog and she was talking about a new top coat she bought and I knew immediately that she was talking about the same product I was searching for.

I went to my local Winners to find it and it was no where to be seen. I had to turn to the internet and when I found Seche Vite on Nail Polish Canada I immediately ordered it and eagerly awaited its arrival.

It did not disappoint. I assembled my manicure tools and got ready to paint. I could not wait for the last step to see if Seche Vite would live up to its reputation.

As a mother of two I do not have time to sit and wait while my nail polish dries. Within minutes my nails were dry to the touch. I was over the moon excited. Finally I won't ruin my manicure minutes after finishing. 

This was my first attempt at using it and it actually seemed to make my manicure last longer as well.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Weigh in day

Sunday is weigh in day for my program and unfortunately I gained two pounds.
I know its all a part of the process and I also know what I did 'wrong' this week. I over worked myself, didn't eat properly and missed breakfast most days. On Friday I was so exhausted I couldn't finish my work out.
None of this is the end of the world and I know it is another set of lessons to learn and put into practice going forward.
I have already prepared my breakfast and lunch for tomorrow so I hope that will help me make the right choices for tomorrow and the week ahead

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Weigh in

Well today is weigh in day with my weight watchers program and I am down another pound!
Yee Ha!
Source: Pinterest

That make 6 pounds in total since I have started this journey. It may not be a major milestone in the weight loss/ health journey but it is a step down the path.
I am very happy with this result and it really gives me an extra bit of effort to push forward and continue on.
I am trying to eat smartly and not with a manic need to be dieting at all moments of my life. I know that this needs to be long term so I allow my self treats and the use of my extra points to have what I want, even if that means eating a cheese burger and learning later that it took half of my daily points. 
I will not live a life of deprivation but I will make smart choices and learn moderation,

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Garden time

When we first moved into this house it was about 800 square feet and needed a lot of love. The garden was small but because of the age of the house it held many hidden treasures awaiting to be found come spring.

Last year we began an addition to our home to increase the size in hopes of staying here longer. That meant an overhaul of the yard and me having to turn a blind eye as my husband brought in heavy duty machinery to dig and blast.


I held out hope that I was able to save some plants and that some of the bulbs would find their way to bloom this spring and I have been happily surprised.

The main garden bed I have had to be reworked and is currently a work in progress. Luckily last weekend the rain stayed away long enough for me to get outside and begin the process of turning everything over.

The first year we live here I was told by a neighbour not to cut our boulevard until after all the flowers bloomed. I thought eh was a bit crazy as it just looked like grass growing in, but I was in for a surprise.

The most amazing little blue flowers come up and cover the boulevard. Unfortunately, I cant seem to get a picture to do it justice.

For the last two weeks people have been stopping in front of my house taking pictures with the flowers. It is quite funny as it is like some type of hidden tourist spot!

I am in love with these flowers and every time I come home and see them its like a reminder that warmer days are ahead of us and soon the whole garden will be alive with growth.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Benefit Brows a go-go review

In my first ever haul post I mentioned the Benefit Cosmetics Brows a-go-go

I was really intrigued by the product and interested if it would make any difference to my eyebrows. 
My first time using it I made the mistake of using the dark shade first and though it wasn't s a horrible result it took some getting used to of how intense my eye brows were for that day.

I have continued to play with the shading and shaping and I have really fell in love with this product. It is a great introduction to filling in your own brows and it came with everything I would need.

After just a little bit of practice this was the result:

Before                                                                After

The difference is quite subtle but I feel like it finishes the look and I feel put together once my brows are done. Its an added definition to my face that I really like.

What do you think? Do you do your eye brows? 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Better late then never

I have never been big on new years resolutions, something about goals and expectations that I don't like. This year though I thought I would unofficially set some aspirations for the year, not based on vanity but on a generalized vision of how I want my life to be.
One of these aspirations was to feel healthier in all aspects of my life, mind and body.

I am lucky enough to have a mother in law who is a personal trainer and a gym in her basement. I started to go see her three times a week at the beginning of the year and I have seen lots of results as my body has gotten stronger and I have gained some confidence in my own bodies ability.

I decided to take it up a notch as I am tired of not fitting into my clothes, living in yoga pants and not being able to buy the clothes I love. This decision was not based on a want to skinny but my want to feel comfortable in my skin.

gillian blease, fork
Source: Pinterest

Since having kids the scale has only moved upwards with very short periods of weight loss and since I have already added the physical part of the equation I decided to join weight watchers to help me track what I was eating in the hopes I could figure out what was holding me back from being a healthier me.

I have decided to go into this tracking everything from the good to the bad to the ugly. I am going to try to do more planning of what I am going to eat and try not fall into old habits due to poor planning. I know its not going to be a perfect uneventful journey but its one worth exploring and I hope to have some good results even if I stumble.

Friday, March 7, 2014

This Moment

Joining Soulemama – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


This is a bit of a random post. I haven't written anything in a while so excuse the random thoughts and photos!

I am really excited for the coming of spring. It hasn't been a particularly tough winter but I have found since having kids I really need warm weather and the ability to go outside with them. The arrival of spring buds fills me with a joy that I don't think I can put it into words. 

I was talking with friends this weekend about my mom's business when I was a kid and I was reminded of this car.

It is a Renault Le Car Sport. It was a fun car and I was 14 or 15 when we had it. It was originally my brothers and all I wanted was to be 16 and be able to drive this car. Unfortunately my parents were in a car accident and the car was totaled before I reached 16. This car has been in my thoughts this week I really loved this car.

What the heck is this Wax Vac? I saw it for sale in Wal-Mart and was very confused by it. Even more confusing is that it looks like some had sold! It just seems wrong on so many different levels.

This is what it usually looks like when I leave for work. I snapped this as I was getting into my car. Its a bit blurry but I love the look of the trees, the sky and that big orb of a moon.

Are you excited for the coming of Spring?

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Cosmetics Haul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I decided it was time to write something of substance and not just post a picture.
Motherhood has taken up all my time over the last two weeks and I haven't really had the time to write anything. I decided to do a haul post since I recently picked up a few new products and wanted to share them with you. 
I have never been overly concerned with my brows other then if they were too hairy or too crazy. After watching lots of vlogs on getting ready I became very interested in the whole eyebrow filling, but I was very unsure if I needed it or not. 
I saw Benefit Cosmetics Brows a-go-go and really liked how it was a one stop shop for brows and I decided to pick it up.

It comes with wax for shaping, two colours for filling, a couple of highlighters, tweezers and an eye-liner. First inspection I am still intrigued. I am still experimenting with it.

I have been looking for a highlighter to play with but had no idea where to start. I found myself at one of my local drugs stores and stumbled over the Smashbox Soft Lights Highlighter in the colour Shimmer . I really like the way it swatched on my skin. It wasn't glittery, it definitely had a shimmer and made my skin have a healthy glow. 

Last but not least I continued my search for the best concealer for my skin. The cosmetician suggested to me her favourite concealer Clarins Instant Concealer and I was instantly impressed with it. It goes on smooth, it stays put and it is easy to use. I am still on the fence if it earns a place high on my list of favourites but I am happy with it.
Anyone else try these products? What do you think? Let me know in the comments

Friday, February 28, 2014

This Moment/ Everyday Beauty Day 21

Joining Soulemama – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

If your inspired to do the same, leave me a link below.

Friday, February 21, 2014

This Moment/ Everyday Beauty 16

Joining Soule Mama, a Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Another day in motherhood

Motherhood seems to be a constant onslaught of battles. There are many times of peace but when it hits it hits. The waves of issues to be dealt with hit you one after another, well now that I think about it that just seems to be life in general....hmmm....

Ballynoe Co Down, Ireland.
Source: Pinterest

Anyway this week has been a tough one. A week that brings you to lean heavily on your vices, whatever they might be.

My work out schedule has be neglected and so has any hope of eating smart. 

I have done more laundry then I have done in a month and there is still more waiting to be done. I have waited in a doctors clinic for over two hours with two kids under the age of five and lost my marbles in the parking lot at work.

I am scared to go to sleep tonight in the fear of waking up and facing tomorrow and all the joy it might bring. 

Maybe that sounds a bit dramatic but it has been a rough 4 days.
I don't think we should...but talk to my mom.
Source: Pinterest

No one informed me how tough being a mommy is. It has fabulous and amazing rewards but it is also the toughest thing I have ever done, if you know a mom do something special for her, even it is acknowledging all that she does.

Everyday Beauty Day 15

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tried and True Chapter 2: Pizza dough

As mentioned before I love Pinterest. I especially love finding recipes on it.
I don't know about you but I am on an ongoing journey trying to find the best of the best of all my favourite foods. A lot of my recipes that I have been making for years I continue to change and experiment with.
Today I want to share a pizza dough recipe. My family loves pizza and since I have not found a pizza dough that I love we usually order it. Not any more!
I found this recipe on Pinterest and after reading the recipe on The Mamas girls, I decided to give it a try.
I was not disappointed.
The dough came together super easy and there was barely any resting time.

The dough doubled in size quickly and easily separated into three individual pizza's. I probably could have made four without a problem.

I was really impressed as it continued to rise as I worked with it and formed into a round disc quickly

I made a cheese pizza for my daughters, since they aren't too adventurous with the toppings.

Pepperoni, green pepper and mushroom for my husband.

Artichoke, onion, green pepper and mushroom for me.
This is really the best pizza dough I have ever worked with and it was so good. Everyone agreed!
If you like pizza like my family does I would suggest trying this pizza dough for yourself. It was so easy to make and the results were amazing!
If you do give it a try let me know, I would love to know what you thought of it.

Everyday Beauty Day 14

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Everyday Beauty Day 12

I wonder if I should add notes with the photos to explain why they are special to me or leave them be as an image. What do you think?

Friday, February 14, 2014

Ode to V Day

I love love!
This is so me. I wasn't really expecting anything - just starting a part time job, no biggie, Id done it before... And then all of a sudden he was there, and while it took us both a while to admit it, it was worth the wait a thousand times over. <3
Source: Pinterest

Not the young lustful stuff that passes in moments but long enduring love. Committed, loyal love. 
I saw an older couple the other day leaving a grocery store and as they walked to their car they held hands. Granted I do not know them or their story but the image of it made my heart swell.

elderly couples who hold hands make me smile.
When my grandpa passed away, my family was going through his things, including his wallet. In his wallet we found a picture of my grandma when they first met. It was bent and aged at the corners and it was clear he carried it with him in his wallet where ever he went since he met her. My grandparents had a love that was sweet, caring and loyal. They loved each other dearly but not in an over the top way, they were committed to each other and their journey. That is the kind of love I want in my life and I am lucky enough to have. It might not be exciting or passionate but it is stable and meaningful, nothing needs to be said the love is just there. 
My parents had an understated love as well, committed and dedicated. I think that is the love that stands the test of time.
I know its a cliche to say my husband is my best friend, but he is. We built our love on friendship and we go through our lives together as a couple.
We don't really celebrate Valentine's day here, though we always do something very small, it has really become about the kids now.
This is my small ode to Valentine's day. I hope yours was spent the way you hoped to!