I started this blog a while a go in honour of my dad and honouring his life by doing something with mine. I set personal goals for myself that sought to see every corner of my life enhanced or bettered. I have struggled with achieving these goals or even with working on them. This year I am trying to take it all a bit more seriously.
I have been serious with bettering my health, I am working out and eating better and seeing some real results.
The one area I really struggle with is my career. Things have changed where I work and I find little satisfaction. I have been looking for new avenues for my career fulfilment.
I know that I am a good employee, I will stay late and come in early. I am dedicated and loyal. I have a university degree and years of experience. Still I hear nothing.
I try to think about what my ideal career would be, what do I want to do with my life. No matter how clichéd it may sound I want to make a difference. I am not a doctor or a nurse or a teacher, but I would like to use my skills to do better. I once had a career counsellor tell me I should be a motivational speaker, I am not sure how she came up with that conclusion ...how do you even get into that?
I love to cook, but I am not a chef and I don't create new and interesting recipes. I am good at cooking classic recipes without recipes.
I am trying to explore different aspects of my life to see what I am good at, what I like and what I can do with it. Its one of the reasons I am trying blogging again, I am hoping through words and images I can stumble upon the love of my life in career form!
Do you do what you love? How did you find it? Do you think everyone does what they love?